Requesting Accommodations

SAC的学生无障碍服务协调根据1973年康复法案第504条定义的残疾学生的住宿, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended.


To begin the process, please complete the 为班级住宿申请无障碍支持服务


  • Documentation of disability

Here is a sample list of eligible documentation:

  • High School Special Education Records (504, IEP, ARD)
  • Medical record with Disability Diagnosis
  • Mental Health Diagnosis
  • Any Military/Veteran records Stating Disability
  • Any Other Supporting Documentation
  • 文件可以通过使用您的智能设备和下载任何免费应用程序扫描, such as Evernote Scannable

一旦我们收到您的残疾支持服务的住宿请求和所需的文件, 我们将通过您的申请表上指定的电话号码和/或电子邮件与您联系,以审查下一步以确保入学预约. Please be sure to check both.

Accommodations are not retroactive. 除了考试,住宿从信件寄给教授的那天开始. 教师应至少提前24小时准备安排相应的考试.

Note: 学生辅助服务中心的工作人员在提交申请后最多需要10个工作日(不包括周末和节假日)与您联系.



To begin the process, please complete the 为班级住宿申请无障碍支持服务

Please note the following:

  • 在提供住宿之前,您的残疾文件副本必须已经与学生无障碍服务办公室存档.
  • 学生通过ACES的电子邮件帐户收到他们的住宿信的副本.

Accommodations are not retroactive. 除了考试,住宿从信件寄给教授的那天开始. 教授应至少提前24小时准备安排考试. 

Note: 学生辅助服务中心的工作人员在提交申请后最多需要10个工作日(不包括周末和节假日)与您联系.



请通过sac-sas@alamo与学生无障碍服务办公室联系.edu to send you the supplement accommodations form.

Accommodations are not retroactive. 除了考试,住宿从信件寄给教授的那天开始. 教授应至少提前24小时准备安排考试. 




  1. Once your Request for Accessibility Services is approved, 母学院将通知各自的姐妹学院你的共同注册状态.

  2. 每个联合招生学院将通过电话和/或学生电子邮件与学生联系,以建立新的住宿会议.

  3. 每个联合注册课程的住宿要求将被审查.

Accommodations are not retroactive. 除了考试,住宿从信件寄给教授的那天开始. 教授应至少提前24小时准备安排考试. 

Note: 医疗文件可以在十大网赌正规网址官网的学生无障碍服务办公室之间以电子方式传输. 住宿信将由您就读的每个十大网赌正规网址官网发送.

Requesting Accessibility Services for High School Students
  • April 1st, Fall Semester requests for accommodations will be accepted.
  • November 1st, Spring Semester requests for accommodations will be accepted.
  • March 1st, Summer Semester requests for accommodations will be accepted.

HS Students

Dual Credit Students


For online, dual credit classes taught by Alamo College faculty, accommodations can be provided via the respective Alamo College.

Early College Students

如果你正在圣安东尼奥学院上课,并想要求住宿, 请完成上面第一个红色标签中列出的流程, 如何为新入学的残疾学生申请残疾服务.”